Future’s Thoughts on Healthy Homes

We, naturally, encourage healthy, sustainable living and our products, indeed our vision, of the Future Home encompasses this. All New Zealanders should live in a home which is well ventilated, heated, low energy usage and home energy generation. In principle the Healthy Home Standards are a positive step towards this.

Whether this requires iron-fist government regulation is a matter of contention.

Regardless, it is with us and we must make the best of it.

The deadline to get your properties up to the Healthy Homes Heating Standard is fast approaching, 1st of July 2021.

What is the Heating Standard?

Simply, Landlords must provide one or more fixed heaters that can directly heat the main living home to a minimum of 18*C on the coldest days of the year.  The main living room is classified as the largest room that is used for general everyday living for example, a lounge, family room or dining room.

Why use a Heat Pump?

Heat pumps are also one of the most energy-efficient heating sources available when compared to other conventional heating. Heat pumps will help your tenants save on their power bill and reduce their/your carbon footprint. This type of heating solution will also help to prevent condensation and also acts as air purifier that will help any tenants with asthma or allergies. Your tenants get to living in a healthier home and your property is protected from the damage dampness can cause, it’s a win-win!

The Standards can be a little confusing to the average punter. We’re here to help. We can complete detailed and thorough Healthy Home Assessments, recommending the required products. We can then quote and if accepted the Assessment is Free!

Call us at Future to help with your rental properties and comply with Healthy Homes to be warmer, drier and healthier for your tenants. Be a good landlord!

 For more information:
