What is the right solar system for me?


Understanding solar energy and how it can help you can be a tricky process. Sometimes we may have misconceptions about solar and it is easy to get bogged down by information overload.

There are 3 types of solar systems,

Grid Tied, Hybrid, and Off – Grid.

1.     Grid tied solar systems are the most affordable and often result in the greatest savings on energy costs as you can export energy back to the grid for a rebate with your retailer.

2.     Hybrid systems are like grid tied except they have batteries which can discharge energy at night and supply back up power throughout the day. Batteries are great for power cuts and nighttime use, however adding resiliency does come with a higher cost than grid tied systems.

3.     Off grid solar systems are the most expensive, they aren’t connected to the grid, so you don’t get any rebates for exporting energy and require a significant battery investment outlay. Perfect for those in remote locations or new builds where the energy grid infrastructure is poor.

Determining which system is right for you, and the right system size to achieve your goals for getting solar is why we would recommend talking to an expert who designs and installs solar panel systems every day! If you’d like a free assessment and quote, or simply want to learn a bit more about solar and whether it’s right for you, feel free to reach out today!

Simon Jackson